Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Teamwork, Collaboration And Informatics For Nursing
Teamwork, Collaboration and Informatics in Nursing The nursing field is caring, dependable, and effective. None of which could be accomplished without teamwork, collaboration and informatics. I believe these concepts are fundamental in the nursing profession. Nurses must work with other healthcare staff, the patients and their families to provide patient-centered and quality care. The use of informatics enhance both the quality of care the clients receive and the teamwork and collaboration aspect of nursing. No one nurse can do it all on their own. Nursing requires the use of teamwork and new technology. Teamwork and Collaboration Teamwork and collaboration in nursing can be defined as the development of partnerships to achieve best possible outcomes that reflect the particular needs of the patient, family, or community, requiring an understanding of what others have to offer. (Giddens Liesveld, 2013). This means that nurses are constantly working as a team to provide the best care for their patients. Working as part of a team may include listening to the client, getting help from another nurse to verify dosage calculations or working alongside the doctor to carefully facilitate their orders. I don’t believe any one nurse would be effective if they were working by themselves. The profession alone is demanding and one nurse working by themselves to assist the needs of more than one patient at a time would be dangerous. There are many different types of collaboration inShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Patient Safety And Quality Of Care1719 Words  | 7 PagesFalls in the Psy chiatric Unit In nursing, â€Å"patient safety and quality of care are two of the main cornerstones of nursing practice†(Hunt, 2012). It is the nurse’s responsibility to make every effort to provide a safe environment and care for patients without making errors. In an effort to keep patients’ safety intact, â€Å"The Joint Commission and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality developed standards for healthcare organizations to employ in an effort to reduce the number of errors†(HuntRead MoreQsen587 Words  | 3 Pagescompetencies from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) are patient centered care, teamwork and collaboration, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, informatics and safety. Over a decade has passed since the Institute of Medicine’s reports on the need to improve the American healthcare system. The Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) initiative was developed with the goal of integrating quality and safety competencies into nu rsing education. All 6 attributes of QSEN are equally important althoughRead MoreNursing At The 21st Century1347 Words  | 6 PagesNursing in the 21st Century As healthcare moves from the Industrial Age to the Information Age, a new role for nurses as knowledge workers comes in its wake (McGonigle Mastrians, 2015). In his definition of a knowledge worker, O’Grady cited â€Å"that the knowledge worker is someone who synthesizes a broad array of information and knowledge from a wide variety of sources and brings that synthesis to bear on nursing work†(O’Grady Malloch, 2003, para. 2). Thus, a knowledge worker is one who translatesRead MoreComparison Between Nursing And Nursing Theories1632 Words  | 7 PagesComparison of nursing theories Introduction The nursing profession entails core values and commonalities that link those in the profession. A comprehensive study of the literature identifies key components of the profession as the provision of technical care, defending the vulnerable, taking care of the ill, as well as establishing systems for the delivery of care. Different models have been developed which describes and guides the nursing profession. The two nursing theories: the Theory of Nursing as CaringRead MoreSkills and Competencies818 Words  | 4 Pagescommunication is essential in every area of life, but it especially critical in the field of nursing. Nurses are responsible for understanding and for being understood. They are required to both listen carefully and report information accurately and efficiently. Effective communication skills in nursing create a high level of customer satisfaction and excellence while preventing medical mishaps (Oman, n.d.). Nursing for the Future Competency (NOF) in communication will interact effectively with patientsRead MoreChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder ( Copd )935 Words  | 4 PagesSafety Education for Nurses, has developed six competencies related to nursing care. These competencies are Patient-Centered Care, Teamwork and Collaboration, Evidence-Based Practice, Quality Improvement, Safety, and Informatics. These aforementioned QSEN competencies break down how nurses should be treating patients and working with the health care team. Patient-Centered Care is a major competency due to the nature of what nursing is as a whole. Nurses are supposed to do anything that they can to advocateRead MoreThe And Quality And Safety Education1692 Words  | 7 PagesThe American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), the Institute of Medicine (IOM), and the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) emerged because of a need for improved nursing education and nursing practice. The AACN continually recommends policies that develop nursing education programs. Subsequently, the AACN promotes exceptional patient care. Similarly, IOM assists healthcare facilities in both the government and private sector by providing evidence-based advice for health decisionsRead MoreKey Functional Areas of Nursing Informatics1562 Words  | 6 PagesNursing informatics Key functional areas of nursing informatics There are 9 key functional areas of nursing informatics. These areas describe integrated functions of nurses, and cross from clinical practice to the informatics end. ADDIN EN.CITE Zerwekh2006267Zerwekh (2006)2672676Zerwekh, J. Claborn, J.C. Nursing today: transition and trends5th2006St. Louis, MOSaunders Elsevier HYPERLINK l _ENREF_8 o Zerwekh, 2006 #267 Zerwekh (2006) also states that nurses may also focus primarily on oneRead MoreNursing Qsen Essays1143 Words  | 5 PagesIn October 2005 the Quality and Safety Education for Nursing program was established. This program is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. QSEN was developed specifically for future nurses to understand and be aware of key challenges such as the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are essential to constantly advance the quality and safety of the way healthcare systems work. The goal for QSEN is to reshape the identity of nursing so it includes the recommendations by the Institute of MedicineRead Mo reWhat Do Nurses Really Do2276 Words  | 10 PagesReally Do? Alicia Wells The University of Southern Mississippi College of Nursing Over the years, the question of what nurses really do on a daily basis has confounded not only the general public, but also those who work in the healthcare field. However, one cannot attempt to explain what nurses do on a daily basis without first understanding what nursing is and why the healthcare field even exists. The field of nursing exists primarily to assist the physicians and to facilitate the recovery of
Monday, December 23, 2019
Essay about Anti-War Elements in Joseph Heller’s Catch-22
Critics often refer to Joseph Heller’s Catch-22 as an anti-war novel. At its core, the novel has a disparaging view of war. The main character, John Yossarian, believes that war is madness. He is astounded that men lay down their lives for vague concepts such as country, patriotism, and honor. However, unlike the typical anti-war novel, Catch-22 doesn’t focus on the most dismal aspects of war; Heller masterfully crafts an effective satirical style of addressing war. Corruption, confusion, and dishonesty run amok in the novel and these principles justify the embodiment of Catch-22 as an anti-war novel. In essence, war in Catch-22 is portrayed as inherently corrupt. The motives of all involved in war are impure, from the highest†¦show more content†¦They ask Yossarian to pretend to like them and go as far as saying nice things about them to rally support among the troops and further their ‘good’ reputations. However, corruption is not unique to the high ranks. Even the unranked soldiers are racist and obsessed with sex. They partake in prostitution and unnecessary acts of violence during leaves from the army. In the army, they lose their religious faith and question their previous beliefs. This strikingly portrays the novel in an anti-war light. Confusion is omnipresent throughout the novel. The most obvious example of confusion is what the book is named for. Catch-22 is circular reasoning that is a motif in the novel of the same name. â€Å"There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, that specified that a concern for ones own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind†¦ [because someone] would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn’t, but if he was sane, he had to fly them†(46). The theory Catch-22 is mentioned by many characters at many different times for many different reasons throughout the novel, often causing confusion, demonstrating the confusing, oftenShow MoreRelatedTo What Extent is Marxist Criticism Helpful in Opening Up Potential Meanings in CATCH 22?1492 Words  | 6 PagesA Marxist reading enables the critic to see Catch 22, by Joseph Heller, as not simply an anti-war novel but a satirical representation of the absurd ity of American bureaucracy and capitalism, and thus shows the extent to which the situation at the time was of concern to Heller. The novel takes place in Italy during World War II and the novel follows Yossarian who is a part of an air squadron yet Heller confirms that â€Å"The elements that inspired the ideas came to me from the civilian situation inRead MoreThe Absurd View of American Society Portrayed through Catch-223231 Words  | 13 PagesSociety Portrayed Through Catch-22 War means many different things to different people, from the outside looking in regular citizens only see the impact soldiers make and at times the unfortunate outcome which happens for the security of one’s country. In Joseph Heller’s Catch-22, the use of protagonist Yossarian as well as characters such as Milo Minderbinder, the Chaplain, and the Soldier in White show readers the underlying issues that occur during a war such as World War II. Heller argues that whatRead MoreThe Cold War, By Joseph Heller s Catch 22, Sidney Lumet s Film, Full Metal Jacket1321 Words  | 6 PagesTexts that encapsulate the anxieties of the Cold War era not only reflect the preoccupations of the time, but also offer re-evaluations of its values and ideas. The Cold War was not an era characterised by cataclysmic battles or great military victories, but by ‘small wars’, ubiquitous surveillance, and a precarious stalemate. John Hersey’s Hiroshima, Joseph Heller’ s Catch-22, Sidney Lumet’s film Fail-Safe, and Stanley Kubrick’s film, Full Metal Jacket, encapsulate the paradigmatic shifts that encompassedRead MoreThe Life And Death Of Satire2426 Words  | 10 Pagestravel the globe to regain his beautiful love. Satire then expands and incorporates more modern people and popular events. It has even grown to incorporate the satirization of deep philosophies and organizations with Catch-22 by Joseph Heller, or Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut. Catch-22 is the dark comedy that looks at the autonomous and heartless bureaucracy that our government and army have become. Cat’s Cradle is a dark look at hope, and how we as people may lie to ourselves and others, in orderRead MorePostmodernism in Literature5514 Words  | 23 PagesPostmodern literature The term Postmodern literature is used to describe certain tendencies in post-World War II literature. It is both a continuation of the experimentation championed by writers of the modernist period (relying heavily, for example, on fragmentation, paradox, questionable narrators, etc.) and a reaction against Enlightenment ideas implicit in Modernist literature. Postmodern literature, like postmodernism as a whole, is difficult to define and there is little agreement on theRead More Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five Essays3848 Words  | 16 Pagestheir world has become. Such satirists use their creative work to reveal the comic elements of an absurd world and incite a change in society; examples include Stanley Kubrick’s film, Dr. Strangelove, and Joseph Heller’s novel, Catch-22. Both works rose above their more serious counterparts to capture the critical voice of a generation dissatisfied with a nation of warmongers. Completing this triumvirate of anti-war classics is Kurt Vonnegut’s novel, Slaughterhouse-Five. Infusing his social commentaryRead MoreThe Sonnet Form: William Shakespeare6305 Words  | 26 Pagessuch a juxtaposition combination deepen and enrich Shakespeare’s use of a traditional form enrich Shakespeare’s use of a traditional form? Literary Terms Elements of Poetry Poetry is a literary form characterized by a strong sense of rhythm and meter and an emphasis on the interaction between sound and sense. The study of the elements of poetry is called prosody. For an in-depth explanation of poetry and poetic forms, see the Poetry Spark Chart.  Rhythm and Meter Rhythm and meter are theRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words  | 1351 PagesDeciding on the pricing objectives 12.12 Using price as a tactical weapon 12.13 Promotion and marketing communications 12.14 Distribution strategies and the distribution plan 12.15 Channel management 12.16 The ‘soft’ elements of the marketing mix CONTENTS ix 12.17 Integrating the elements of the marketing mix 12.18 Summary Stage Four: Which way is best? Strategic evaluation 13 Criteria of choice 13.1 Learning objectives 13.2 Introduction 13.3 Financial versus non-financial criteria; effectiveness
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Eth125 R8 Disability Diversity Free Essays
Associate Program Material Aging and Disability Worksheet Part I Identify 2 or 3 issues faced by the aging population. 1. Lack of security for the future (social security dwindling) 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Eth125 R8 Disability Diversity or any similar topic only for you Order Now Unable to afford being able to retire 3. Being alone Answer the following questions in 100 to 200 words each. Provide citations for all the sources you use. †¢ What is ageism? How does ageism influence the presence of diversity in society? Ageism is prejudice or discrimination against a particular age-group, especially the elderly. Ageism influences the presence of diversity because those who are affected by ageism within their career may lose their job due to newer, younger, cheaper people coming into the workplace to take over their current position. Which may leave those who are older without proper insurance to take care of their aging bodies which could result in earlier deaths and a lack of diversity in the world. Also when the younger generation takes over positions in the workplace that workplace will have a lack of diversity as well. http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/ageism What is the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)? How does the ADEA address issues for the aging population? The Age Discrimination in Employment Act was put into place in 1967 to prohibit discrimination of people over the age of 40 in the work place. The ADEA addresses issues for the aging population by making it illegal to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual or otherwise discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual’s age. Also it makes it illegal to limit, segregate, or classify his employees in any way which would deprive or tend to deprive any individual of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect his status as an employee, because of such individual’s age. http://www. eeoc. gov/laws/statutes/adea. cfm †¢ What is being done to address the issues you identified? The ADEA had put many laws in affect to make it illegal to discriminate someone for their age. It also has been recommended to Congress to have education and research programs. These programs shall research, and promote research, with a view to reducing barriers to the employment of older persons, and the promotion of measures for utilizing their skills. They will also publish and otherwise make available to employers, professional societies, the various media of communication, and other interested persons the findings of studies and other materials for the promotion of employment and foster through the public employment service system and through cooperative effort the development of facilities of public and private agencies for expanding the opportunities and potentials of older persons. ttp://www. eeoc. gov/laws/statutes/adea. cfm †¢ Is the number of aging population expected to rise in numbers or decrease? The number of aging population is expected to rise in numbers. â€Å"With baby boomers approaching retirement, the 65-and-over population in the United States could increase nearly 80 percent by 2025. During the same period, there will be just 1 5 percent more working-age adults and 15 percent more children younger than 15. †With the number of baby boomers approaching retirement there will be a strain put on social ecurity and other benefits made available to those who are senior citizens. This will cause problems to those retire after them. There is no certainty that things like social security will last through the baby boomers and be around when the next generation retires. http://www. globalaging. org/elderrights/us/populationrise. htm †¢ What types of legislation may or may not be affected by the aging population? Two major pieces of legislature that will be affected by the aging population is pension provision and health care. With both pension and health care the key issues that will cause issues is that the number of people working and paying taxes to fun pension and health care programs is going to dramatically decrease as the baby boomers retire and as they retire the amount of people uses these services in going to see an increase. Legislation regarding items such as criminals is unlikely to have any effect on the aging population. While there are some laws in certain states requiring older people to retake their drivers test each year or every two years a country wide law could also affect the aging population as well. How does poverty affect the aging population? Poverty affects the aging population in many different ways. Since people are living longer and with that resources are decreasing as time goes on and the elderly have fewer and fewer choices for finding help with finances and health related issues, which results in substandard medical care. Having substandard medical care can result in sub par health and either suffering due to a medical condition or death from a medical condition that could have been treating if better medical care was available to them. Another affect poverty has is subpar housing and the ability to provide food for themselves due to a lack of income and the fact that many programs meant to help have strict guidelines or are disappearing all together. Part II Answer the following questions in 100 to 200 words each. Provide citations for all the sources you use. †¢ What does the ADA provide for people with disabilities? The ADA’s goal is to provide equality to people with disabilities and protect them from any discrimination that they may be faced with. The ADA provides protection to those with disabilities in the workplace where there is a possibility they could be discriminated against and be fired, or passed over for a job. The ADA also insures that public structures are accessible to those with disabilities. By doing this it allows people with disabilities to feel more like equals by having protection from discrimination and the ability to enjoy the same things their friends do such as going to restaurants and the mall. http://www. ada. gov/qaeng02. tm †¢ How have people with disabilities been treated in the past? In the past people with disabilities have been treated unfairly and have faced discrimination. In recent years things have been improving but there is still work to be done. There are still a few buildings that are not handicap accessible. Some may be included in the exclusion under the ADA such as historical buildings but there are some who are â€Å"flying under the radar†and until a problem arises they will continue on with their business. Another problem people with disabilities faced was discrimination in the work place. They were often not chosen for jobs because they were not able to perform them with accommodations. While this may still occur with the ADA it makes it illegal. †¢ How has the attitude toward people with disabilities changed over time? In earlier years people with disabilities were often placed into institutions and were then forgotten about which resulted in them living in unsafe and unsanitary conditions. Many of them were abused, neglected or murdered by their own families or by the people who worked at the institutions. They were called â€Å"retarded†. Today discrimination towards those with disabilities still does exist the condition of the homes in which some disabled live is acceptable and some with disabilities are able to have happy healthy lives with little or no accommodations made. Some neglect and abuse still does occur but the days of forced sterilization are over. What are some unique circumstances or issues encountered by people with disabilities? There are many unique circumstances or issues encountered by people with disabilities. Little people definetelty face many of these unique circumstances. Just going to a restaurant or even a friend’s house provides issues for little people to be able to get around safely by car or being able to see on top of counters and reach things like sinks. People in wheelchairs also face some unusual circumstances off their own. Just like little people they also may encounter problems reaching counters and sinks, and traveling. Just imagine trying to navigate your wheelchair across a snowy parking lot or sidewalk to get to your favorite restaurant. †¢ What is being done to address those issues? Many public places have smaller toilets and sinks that help children and little people be able to reach the sinks and toilets with ease. Adding these little things help not only the little people community but also help children becomes more independent. Many public places also have wheelchair assessable sinks that allow them to pull their chairs right up and under the sink to allow them to reach it with ease. Handicap accessible parking spot allow for all people with disabilities to park closer to reduce the amount they have to walk thus reducing the amount of accidents that could occur. †¢ What types of legislation have been introduced to address issues faced by people with disabilities? On January 23, 1990 Congress passed the â€Å"Americans with Disabilities Act†(ADA) it provided protection for people with disabilities in many aspects of their lives. In 1988 the Fair Housing Act was amended to include people with disabilities and families with children with disabilities. In 1973 the Rehabilitation act prohibited discrimination against someone with a disability by anyone receiving federal assistance, but it did not cover discrimination by employers, public accommodations in the private sector, publicly funded programs or those providing federal financial assistance. Protection for all disabilities did not take place until the Americans with Disabilities Act passed. CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I certify that the attached paper is my original work. I am familiar with and acknowledge my responsibilities, which are part of the University of Phoenix Student Code of Academic Integrity. I affirm that any section of the paper which has been submitted previously is attributed and cited as such, and that this paper has not been submitted by anyone else. I have identified the sources of all information whether quoted verbatim or paraphrased, all images, and all quotations with citations and reference listings. Along with citations and reference listings, I have used quotation marks to identify quotations of fewer than 40 words and have used block indentation for quotations of 40 or more words. Nothing in this assignment violates copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property laws. I further agree that my name typed on the line below is intended to have, and shall have, the same validity as my handwritten signature. Student’s signature (name typed here is equivalent to a signature): Skyye Smith How to cite Eth125 R8 Disability Diversity, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Kiosk and Eternal Memorial Park free essay sample
Eternal Memorial Park is one of the largest cemeteries in Tarlac, almost 40 to 50 people a day visit their love ones in this cemetery. One of the problems that people experience when visiting their relative/family on cemeteries is finding the location of the grave, especially when they are visiting for the first time. In Eternal Memorial Park people often ask for help on the supervisor to help them find the location of the deceased they are looking for, the supervisor then call a caretaker to guide the visitor, which is really tiring especially when they are doing something else. Base on the current 1000 population of graves in Eternal Memorial Park people are having a hard time on finding graves. The researchers aim to provide a Kiosk with an electronic map for finding the location of graves. The visitor then can approach the kiosk and search the name of their love ones or choose from the list. The kiosk then will display a map which will show the location of the grave, a picture of the gravestone and some information about the deceased will also be displayed. PURPOSE AND DESCRIPTION: The researchers intend to develop an automated system KIOSK: Digital Map for Eternal Memorial Park. Digital map contains only the location of the grave, recently buried and basic information about the person buried in the grave (name, gender, date of death and date of birth). The kiosk will help visitors, family member and close friends to finding the grave of the person they are looking for. STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES: Specifically this study seeks to attain the following Objectives: 1. To create a system that will hold location and record information about the dead people. 2. To create a system that will show all recently buried. 3. To create an information kiosk for Eternal Memorial Park. 4. To evaluate the information kiosk in terms of: Effectiveness Usability Accurate SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS To develop system and become more effective and accurate that will help the client to make their work easier. The system only covers the information records and location of graves. Some personal information is not available because of the policy of our locale. CHAPTER II RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES RELATED FOREIGN LITERATURE 1. DIGITAL MAPPING The roots of digital mapping lie within traditional paper maps such as the Thomas Guide. Paper maps provide basic landscapes similar to digitized road maps, yet are often cumbersome, cover only a designated area, and lack many specific details such as road blocks. In addition, there is no way to â€Å"update†a paper map except to obtain a new version. On the other hand, digital maps, in many cases, can be updated through synchronization with updates from company servers. Early digital maps had the same basic functionality as paper mapsâ€â€that is, they provided a â€Å"virtual view†of roads generally outlined by the terrain encompassing the surrounding area. However, as digital maps have grown with the expansion of GPS technology in the past decade, live traffic updates, points of interest and service locations have been added to enhance digital maps to be more â€Å"user conscious. Traditional â€Å"virtual views†are now only part of digital mapping. In many cases, users can choose between virtual maps, satellite (aerial views), and hybrid (a combination of virtual map and aerial views) views. With the ability to update and expand digital mapping devices, newly constructed roads and places can be added to appear on maps. Digital maps heavily rely upon a vast amount of data collected over time. Most of the information that comprise digital maps is the culmination of satellite imagery as well as street level information. Maps must be updated frequently to provide users with the most accurate reflection of a location. While there is a wide spectrum on companies that specialize in digital mapping, the basic premise is that digital maps will accurately portray roads as they actually appear to give life-like experiences. GPS Navigation Systems The principle use by which digital mapping has grown in the past decade has been its connection to Global Positioning System (GPS) technology. GPS is the foundation behind digital mapping navigation systems. How It Works The coordinates and position as well as atomic time obtained by a terrestrial GPS receiver from GPS satellites orbiting Earth interact together to provide the digital mapping programming with points of origin in addition to the destination points needed to calculate distance. This information is then analyzed and compiled to create a map that provides the easiest and most efficient way to reach a destination. 2. INTERACTIVE KIOSK According to http://en. wikipedia. org The first self-service, interactive kiosk was developed in 1977 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by a pre-med student, Murray Lappe. The content was created on the PLATO computer system and accessible by plasma touch screen interface. The plasma display panel was invented at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Donald L. Bitzer. Lappes kiosk, called The Plato Hotline allowed students and visitors to find movies, maps, directories, bus schedules, extracurricular activities and courses. When it debuted in the U of Illinois Student Union in April 1977, more than 30,000 students, teachers and visitors stood in line during its first 6 weeks, to try their hand at a personal computer for the first time. The first successful network of interactive kiosks used for commercial purposes was a project developed by the shoe retailer Florsheim Shoe Co. , led by their visionary executive VP, Harry Bock, installed circa 1985. The interactive kiosk was created, manufactured and customized by ByVideo Inc. of Sunnyvale, CA. The network of over 600 kiosks provided images and video promotion for customers who wished to purchase shoes that were not available in the retail location. Style, size and color could be selected, and the product paid for on the kiosk itself. The transaction was sent to the Florsheim mainframe i n St, Louis, MO, via dialup lines, for next-day home or store delivery via Federal Express. The hardware (including microcomputer, display system, touchscreen) were designed and built by ByVideo, while other components (like the CRT, floppy disk, printer, keyboard and physical housing) were sourced from other vendors. The videodisc material was created quarterly by ByVideo at Florsheims direction, in ByVideos state-of-the-art video production facility in CA. This kiosk network operated for over 6 years in Florsheim retail locations. [citation needed] In 1991, the first commercial kiosk with internet connection was displayed at Comdex. The application was for locating missing children. The first true documentation of a kiosk was the 1995 report by Los Alamos National Laboratory which detailed what the interactive kiosk consisted of. This was first announced on comp. infosystems. kiosks by Arthur the original usenet moderator. In 1997, KioskCom was launched to provide a tradeshow for organizations looking to deploy interactive self-service kiosks, and continues to provide these services to this day. These tradeshows occur twice a year, and offer companies education and demonstrations for successful self-service deployments. The first company to launch a state-wide interactive kiosk program was Imperial Multimedia in 2007. Imperial Multimedia installed interactive kiosks in 31 of Virginias State Parks and these electronic kiosks included park overviews, printable maps, waypoints, points of interest, video tours of trails, and emergency information. Todays kiosks brings together the classic vending machine with high-tech communications and complex robotic and mechanical internals. Such interactive kiosks can include self-checkout lanes, e-ticketing, information and wayfinding, and vending. Electronic kiosks have become a larger part of the retail landscape. One such example of a strong retail kiosk business is Redbox, a movie rental kiosk company. Redbox is a subsidiary of Outerwall, Inc. , another well known company popular for Coinstar kiosks. RELATED LOCAL LITERATURE 1. PHILIPPINES TOURISM KIOSK Pearl Media built and managed a touch and gesture enabled interactive kiosk experience housed in New York’s Time Warner Center from October 29th to November 11th 2013. The kiosk hosted a massive 70†HD display for optimal consumer exposure featuring two unique interactive experiences that immerse consumers in the Philippines’ breath taking landscapes– rock climbing and snorkeling. Consumers used a range of arm and leg gestures to complete their selected experience. During the experience an embedded camera captured multiple photos of the consumer that could be edited and superimposed on a Philippines postcard. The postcards could be emailed directly to the consumer with links for easy social media sharing functionality. Consumers who submitted their email were entered into giveaway for a free iPad. In the 14 days of activation 2,171 unique consumers played the experience over 240 emails were sent. RELATED FOREIGN STUDIES 1. INFORMATION KIOSK According to the study of (Adam Basilio 2006). Information kiosks are used in a variety of different settings and manners, from health care to grocery shopping. Kiosk developers emphasize that with each application, the type of information or service and target population that is desired should be established. The use of kiosks can be very advantageous as they have the ability to enhance the amount of information being dispensed without increasing the necessary number of man hours. With the kiosk technology users could obtain information 24 hours per day. Kiosks are also easily updated and can be placed in easily accessible and central tourist locations. The self service and information kiosk industry has numerous technologies currently available. Current technology for information kiosks utilizes touch-screen technology to ease navigation through the system, in addition to advanced features to enable telephone calls, printing, card swiping, credit card ordering, and internet access. Additionally, current systems have the option of providing dedicated advertising area on each screen in order to provide revenue from the system. 2. FOURTH ANNUAL KIOSK BENCHMARK STUDY According to the Fourth Annual Kiosk Benchmark Study, the top-rated technology by a survey of respondents was touch screens. Internet connection came second, followed by remote management. Printers were still considered important, as well as credit card acceptance. The study also notes that emerging technologies include video and plasma displays, which have come down in price and can help draw users, as well as signature capture and wireless internet connections (Fourth Annual Kiosk Benchmark Study, 2004). Software can greatly add to the user experience at a kiosk. For kiosks with telephone capabilities, software can automatically connect a tourist to local restaurants or the nearest hotel to make reservations. With further development and access, an internet connection can directly connect the user to a local company’s website to gain more information or make a booking directly from the kiosk. If the kiosk is enabled with credit card ordering technology, the user even has the option of pre-paying for lodging from the kiosk. A kiosk with printing capabilities can print out driving or walking directions to local destinations and hotspots. There is a broad range of applications for the current information kiosk technologies (Fourth Annual Kiosk Benchmark Study, 2004). RELATED LOCAL STUDIES 1. INFORMATION KIOSK SYSTEM Base on thesis work of 2013 CCS Graduate Students an information kiosk are a good example of a multimedia system aim at information provision. Information kiosks are often electronic, free standing structures, aimed at providing the public with information about a certain area. Information kiosks usually use either a touch screen or a trackball mouse, which ensure that it is more difficult to get damaged, and easier to use by the public. The information software with the kiosk is heavily use-oriented, with simple design, large font enough for reading. A user can approach a kiosk, and access one of two options, search for store, and list alphabetically. The user then enters a name using a touch keypad, or selects one from the list. The kiosk can then display a map, with animated directions on how to reach that store, from the user’s current location. At all stages in the search, there are back and home options that allow a user to backtrack, or to start a new search. The developed system would give the student an easy access in searching about the main information they want for the theses or researches books. 2. FEASIBILITY STUDY ON STREET FOOD KISOK According to Alfie J. Acabo, Rachel Ann G. Almontero, Jerald Angelo M. Juatco, Mera Vernadeth P. Ricohermos and Loveleen A. Villanueva (FEASIBILITY STUDY ON STREET FOOD KISOK) The study is about a food kiosk catering street foods as its main dish. The objective of the proponents in making this business possible is to make an impression that usual Filipino street foods that we encounter can also be safe, savoury and be complemented to other dishes. Our business wants to emphasize that aesthetics, appearances, presentation of food, personal trust and interaction with our customers are the most important parameters for assessing food safety as well as meeting our customer needs and wants. People in all walks of life can now have the perception that street foods are not just an alternative food if you want to be a spend thrift but rather these are those foods which will delight you and will give your satisfaction beyond your expectation. CHAPTER III TECHNICAL BACKGROUND TABLE 1 HARDWARE RESOURCES HARDWARE DESCRIPTION Touch Screen Monitor / Touch Panel The main interface of the project System Unit Processing Task Computer Stand This is where to put the Touch Screen Monitor / Touch Panel to keep in good condition. Hardware Specification Table 1 show the develop hardware components of the Kiosk: Digital Cemetery Map for Eternal Memorial Park Tarlac. The table named the hardware requirement which are needed to run the develop system successfully. TABLE 2 SOFTWARE RESOURCES SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION Visual Basic 2010 Software Tool Microsoft Access 2010 Database Windows 7 Operating System Inteset Secure Lockdown v2 Lock down Windows and create an embedded environment Software Specification Table 2 show the develop software components of the Kiosk: Digital Cemetery Map for Eternal Memorial Park Tarlac. The table named the hardware requirement which are needed to run the implement the develop system. TABLE 3 EQUIPMENT COST EQUIPMENT QUANTITY UNIT COST/UNIT(Php) Computer Stand 1 1 2,000. 00 System Unit 1 1 5,000. 00 Touch Screen Monitor / Touch Panel(15inch) 1 1 8,375. 00 Total Cost: 15,375. 00 EQUIPMENT COST Table 3 show all the hardware related quantity, unit and cost that the proponent will use to develop Kiosk: Digital Cemetery Map for Eternal Memorial Park Tarlac. TABLE 4 SOFTWARE COST SOFTWARE COST(Php) Visual Basic 2010 0 Microsoft Access 2010 0 Windows 7 0 Inteset Secure Lockdown v2 0 Total Cost: 0 SOFTWARE COST Table 4 show all the software related cost that the proponent will use to develop the Kiosk: Digital Cemetery Map for Eternal Memorial Park Tarlac. TABLE 5 SYSTEM COST KIOSK: Digital Cemetery Map for Eternal Memorial Park 15,375. 00 Total All Cost: 15,375. 00 The table above reveals the actual cost analysis of the proposed KIOSK: Digital Cemetery Map for Eternal Memorial Park and shows that all Hardware and Software that the proponents planning to use. CHAPTER IV DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY This chapter present the methods and procedure used by the researchers in order to obtain the data for the study. METHODS OF RESEARCH The Project use developmental research in which the researchers conducted several research observations which led to the development of the project. LIBRARY RESEARCH METHOD The researchers conducted a research in Tarlac State University Library looking for usable studies that are related studies in the proposed project particularly old thesis of graduate student Tarlac State University,College of Computer Studies. This mean was used to have a comparison between the existing systems and project system. INTERNET Since the information in the library about the related system and related literature are insufficient; the researchers also use web to gathered useful foreign and local related literature for the betterment of the study. INTERVIEW LOCAL The researchers personally conducted an interview on the office of Eternal Memorial Park and the caretaker supervisor to gather information about the locale. Since this project is for Eternal Memorial Park the researcher include them to the development of this project. The researcher ask how will they respond when a visitor asking for the help to find a location of a grave. Eternal Memorial Park Manual Methods 1. They will ask for the help of the supervisor then the supervisor will ask the employee he supervise if they know that grave stone. (Every Caretaker have their area of responsibility they responsible to know all grave in their area). 2. Second Ask for help in the main office they have a blue print of the entire area and information about who is the one buried in that specific area. The Researcher also asked for the history and population of the researcher local to know even more about Eternal Memorial Park. SURVEY METHOD The researchers conducted a survey in Eternal Memorial Park. They distributed questionnaires among the people visiting in the cemetery. It help them determine the problem, and if there is a need to the developed system. The researcher also made a survey concise of the follow. 30 People survey result 1. How many of your relatives/family are buried here? One 25% Two 45% More than two 25% None 5% 2. Do you find it difficult to find their graves in this cemetery? Yes 60% No40% 3. Have you ever used a KIOSK before? Yes 30% No 70% 4. We are planning to put a KIOSK in this cemetery that will have a map and information about the people buried here, is it necessary? Yes 60% No 40% 5. Have you ever seen a KIOSK in other cemetery? Where? Yes _____________________________0% No 100% REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS The researcher system will create a method to automating the manual method that the researcher indicate on the local interview topic to make much faster for searching basic information grave stone and location. These are the hardware and software needed to implement the system. HARDWARE REQUIRMENT The hardware requirements are the hardware needed to run smooth and to develop the system successfully. The recommended requirement are pentium dual core (Processor 2GHZ), 1G RAM (Memory), 10G Free Hard Disc Space, Touch Screen Monitor / Touch Panel and Computer Stand. Why the researcher will use the follow hardware pentium dual core (Processor 2GHZ) and 1G RAM (Memory) because of the windows 7 system requirement. SOFTWARE REQUIRMENT Software requirement are needed in order to implement and developed the system. The recommended software requirements are the follow Windows 7(Operating system), Microsoft Access 2010, Visual Basic 2010, Inteset Secure Lockdown v2.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Death in The Shipping News
Introduction A Pulitzer-prize winning novel The Shipping News, written by E. Annie Proulx is a story of a young but dispossessed newspaper reporter, who is constantly searching for his lost self. The affection and sympathy for a flawed human being makes Proulx’s novel distinctly different from the prevailing majority of contemporary works.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Death in The Shipping News specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Trapped within the gendered reality of his life, this disenfranchised and dispossessed personality resembles a figure of Don Quixote, as he is fighting against wind mills: his efforts are all in vain until death comes into his life. In Proulx’s novel, death exhibits a profound symbolic meaning. It is equally astonishing and fascinating. It puts an end to someone’s moral tortures and, simultaneously, paves the way to someone else’s successes and achiev ements. For Quoyle, death is just the beginning of a difficult fight for his own self. In E. Annie Proulx’s The Shipping News, death exemplifies an act of moral capitulation and subsequent revival, equally painful and inevitable, which is leading Quoyle through the moral and spiritual salvation to love. E. Annie Proulx is one of the most outstanding writers of our times. Her works are equally unusual and fascinating. Her characters uncover their talents and values through re-articulation and re-birth. The Shipping News is no exception: a Pulitzer-prize winning book, The Shipping News presents a dramatic story of a disenfranchised man looking for his self. Quoyle, the protagonist of Proulx’s novel is trapped within the gendered reality of his tragic being. Constantly torn between his unfaithful wife, sick parents, and work and, as a result, disentangled, Quoyle is just a fragment of the surrounding reality, with no sense of selfhood (Flavin 240). In her book, Proulx obs erves how Quoyle is fighting against the realities of life. In The Shipping News, death comes as a form of salvation. It gives him Quoyle a second chance to win the game of life. Quoyle, his wife Petal, and his parents are the major players of the death game. Quoyle’s life is a sequence of failures, which no one can break. â€Å"From this youngest son’s failure to dog-paddle the father saw other failures multiply like an explosion of virulent cells – failure to speak clearly; failure to sit up straight; failure to get up in the morning; failure in attitude; failure in ambition and ability; indeed, in everything. His own failure.†(2) This tragic picture of never ending failures is further supplemented with the image of Petal Bear, Quoyle’s wife, whose sexual desire for Quoyle turns into detestation once they are married (Proulx 13). Quoyle brings his children around, while his wife is searching for sexual adventures (Proulx 14).Advertising Loo king for research paper on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Petal travels in the U.S. and pretends not to recognize her children when she comes back home (Proulx 15). A life full of torture – this is how readers see Quoyle, his life and his family. Yet, even then Quoyle does have a chance to cope with all his troubles, if not for his parents. â€Å"First the father, diagnosed with liver cancer, a blush of wild cells diffusing. A month later a tumor fastened in the mother’ brain like a burr†(Proulx 17). Readers do not realize that the gruesome picture of Quoyle’s life is just a preparation stage of his journey to salvation. Death will become the turning point in his returning to the community and his self. In Quoyle’s situation, death is the only and, probably, the best way to personal happiness. Death will give him the freedom he needs to move on the course prescribed by his i nner desires and not his family or wife (Flavin 240). It may even give him a sense of satisfaction for being a personality. It goes without saying that Quoyle’s life is invariably associated with the changes that happen in his community. Stakeholders play one of the major roles in creating and reconstructing Quoyle’s life. Inherently submissive to the conditions and circumstances of his existence, Quoyle accepts community stakeholders and their decisions for granted. It is not until he loses his wife and parents and moves to Newfoundland that he succeeds in actualizing and articulating his best human features (Stewart). These are stakeholders that affect the direction of his moral and spiritual evolution. At the beginning of Proulx’s novel, even the best Quoyle’s features, including his striving to care for his family and children and his sensitivity to failures, carry profound negative connotations. Once in a new community, these features pave the way to Quoyle’s personal happiness. Quoyle’s aunt Agnis Hamm becomes his salvation: the main stakeholder and one of the main characters of Proulx’s novel, Agnis Hamm says: â€Å"You’ve got a chance to start out all over again. A new place, new people, new sights. A clean state. See, you can be anything you want with a fresh start†(Proulx 27). Aunt Hamm gives impetus to Quoyle’s restoration and rebirth. The novelty of the community surroundings is like a fresh breath to Quoyle. He gradually moves from the sense of inadequacy to the sense of community belonging. He develops a voice needed to articulate his emotions and concerns.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Death in The Shipping News specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More He is no longer silent; nor is he a failure to himself and the rest of the community. The new community provides Quoyle with a unique opportunity to re- establish himself as a personality who deserves respect and love. This way is thorny and paved with tears, but what he gets at the end turns death into the source of new, unique opportunities for Quoyle. It seems that life itself gives Quoyle a second chance to win the game of life. In Annie Proulx’s novel, the topic of death is important, since it exemplifies an act of capitulation and revival, equally painful and inevitable, which is leading Quoyle through spiritual and moral salvation to love. Death marks the beginning of Quoyle’s profound restructuring through self-exploration and self-analysis. It is not an easy task, as the man cannot proceed to self-analysis before he comes back to his family and community history. Death turns The Shipping News into a unique source of knowledge about Quoyle’s ancestry. It allows Quoyle to understand the hidden causes of his personal and family failures. This spiritual journey to inner peace and balance is associated with the pain of realization that Quoyle’s family â€Å"was a savage pack. In the olden days they say Quoyles nailed a man to a tree by ‘is ears, cut off’ is nose for the scent of blood to draw the nippers and flies that devoured ‘im alive†(Proulx 97). This knowledge creates a moral controversy and a gap of misunderstanding between Quoyle and the rest of the Killick Claw community. Death reflects and emphasizes the need for a profound mental restructuring, which will take out the best features and leave violence and sexual abuse of Quoyle’s grand-relatives behind. Without knowledge of his past, Quoyle cannot become a whole with his identity and selfhood (Flavin 240). While learning his past, Quoyle reconstructs himself and becomes honest and assertive (Flavin 240). He learns how to be happy and how to keep this happiness in his hands. From the lowest point of disenfranchisement, through self-analysis, Quoyle finally achieves the ultimate point of completeness, where love is possible without pain and torture, and where it is not wounded and wrenched and comes only once (Proulx 234).Advertising Looking for research paper on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In Proulx’s The Shipping News, death is the end of Quoyle’s silence and the beginning of his voiced, well-articulated future. Seiffert writes that Proulx’s The Shipping News is essentially about Quoyle’s development of voice, followed by the sense of identity and belonging (515). He begins his journey through Proulx’s book as a silent giant, a heap of flesh, with his marriage a painful disaster and his parents in the state of a death climax. He falls short of words, unable to express the complexity of feelings and emotions. He silently listens to his wife as she is having with her new boyfriend in their living room: â€Å"He did not get up but lay on his back, the newspaper rustling with each heave of his chest, tears running down into his ears†(Proulx 16). Following his wife’s drunken death, Quoyle becomes the sole decision-maker in his family. The life of his children is in his hands. He can finally envision his own future. He is n o longer tied by circumstances. He is no longer trapped in his home place. This is when he finally feels as if he had lost silence (Proulx 321). His voice becomes his guidance – an expression of his intuition and an articulation of his desires and thoughts. He is finally capable of expressing of his deepest feelings and thoughts. He can finally release his sentiments and passions without being judged for them. Death in Proulx’s novel reflects Quoyle’s connection with stakeholders, since death is the main factor of homecoming and returning to the community for Quoyle. This is where the connection between Quoyle and stakeholders becomes particularly important. This process is traumatic but effective – the pain of coming back to forefathers is further compensated by the triumph of knowledge and self-awareness. In Polack’s words, Quoyle’s life after the tragic deaths of his wife and parents reflects the â€Å"symmetry of redemption†, when the pain of loss causes and encourages purification from the sins and failures of the past (93). Quoyle’s new relationship with Wavey Prowse intensifies his sense of community belonging. This sense, in turn, facilitates Quoyle’s transition to a new stage of self-creation and love: â€Å"Quoyle and Wavey side by side, feeling sympathy for each other. Herry breathing down their necks. The car moaned up the hill through the rain, away from the school†(Proulx 183). Wavey is a point of connection between Quoyle and the new place he is in (Stewart). She is the source of harmony and balance between Quoyle and the rest of the community. This sense of belonging teaches Quoyle the skill of love, of which he was not capable before. This love turns into the main factor of Quoyle’s embeddedness and strong foundation in his new community (Stewart). Proulx leads readers to the point, where death no longer looks formidable. Proulx reconsiders death from a new perspecti ve, which gives it new meaning and life. It appears that death is not against life; rather it is the beginning of everything. Cruel as it may sound, for individuals like Quoyle who surrender themselves to the circumstances of life, death is the only way to spiritual restoration and relief. This representation of death is equally complex and unique. It gives the reader some food for thought. We should care about this unique representation of death in Proulx’s novel, as it is never too late to reconsider even the most tragic events in a different, positive light. Conclusion A Pulitzer-prize winning novel The Shipping News is a story of a young dispossessed newspaper reporter, who constantly tries but cannot find his lost self. Proulx’s novel is essentially about what death can bring and what effects its causes on people. In E. Annie Proulx’s The Shipping News, death exemplifies an act of moral capitulation and subsequent revival, equally painful and inevitable, wh ich is leading Quoyle through the moral and spiritual salvation to love. Death is the end of Quoyle’s silence and the beginning of his voiced, well-articulated future. Death in Proulx’s novel reflects Quoyle’s connection with stakeholders, since death is the main factor of homecoming and returning to the community for Quoyle. Proulx leads readers to the point, where death no longer looks formidable. We should care about this unique representation of death in Proulx’s novel, as it is never too late to reconsider even the most tragic events in a different, positive light. Works Cited Flavin, Louise. â€Å"Quoyle’s Quest: Knots and Fragments as Tools of Narration in The Shipping News.†Critique, 40.3(1999): 239-247. Print. Polack, Fiona. â€Å"Taking the Waters: Abjection and Homecoming in The Shipping News and Death of a River Guide.†The Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 41.1(2006): 93-109. Print. Proulx, E. Annie. The Shipping News. USA: First Touchstone Edition, 1994. Print. Seiffert, Rachel. â€Å"Inarticulacy and Silence: Annie Proulx’s The Shipping News.† Textual Practice, 16.3(2002): 511-525. Print. Stewart, Robert Scott. â€Å"Tayloring the Self: Identity, Articulation, and Community in Proulx’s The Shipping News.†Studies in Canadian Literature, 23.2. Web. This research paper on Death in The Shipping News was written and submitted by user Kamille Crosby to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Greenhouse Effect
Greenhouse Effect On a bright, cool day, most people notice the sun’s rays as feeling good on their skin. By nature, many of us even try to stay on the sunny side of the street while walking. The sun is 93 million miles away from earth and its energy travels to us in moving waves called radiation. The energy becomes heat, light and other energy too. Visible sunlight allows us to see the world around us, but there is invisible sunlight, too. These rays can’t be seen, but some can be felt as heat. They are called ultraviolet rays, and they are what changes the appearance of the skin, like wrinkles and even cancer. I discovered a blanket of gases known as the atmosphere surrounding our planet. It is what provides us with the air we breathe, and it protects us from the full blast of the sun’s radiation. Way up there in the part of the atmosphere called the stratosphere, a layer of gas called ozone, filters out most of the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays. This happens about five miles to 25 miles above the surface of Earth (Bright 14-15). Only about one- millionth of our atmosphere is made up of ozone. But it has an important job. Ozone can absorb the part of the sunlight called ultraviolet radiation. Some ultraviolet radiation still gets through, but not enough to do serious damage to Earth. Because if it got through, life as we know it would be impossible. But there is a serious problem in the ozone layer. Each year, a large hole appears in it. It isn’t an actual hole, like a hole in a pocket, but a layer getting thinner as it shows up on the satellite pictures. The â€Å"hole†is right over Antarctica, covering an area about the size of the United Stat... Free Essays on Greenhouse Effect Free Essays on Greenhouse Effect Greenhouse Effect On a bright, cool day, most people notice the sun’s rays as feeling good on their skin. By nature, many of us even try to stay on the sunny side of the street while walking. The sun is 93 million miles away from earth and its energy travels to us in moving waves called radiation. The energy becomes heat, light and other energy too. Visible sunlight allows us to see the world around us, but there is invisible sunlight, too. These rays can’t be seen, but some can be felt as heat. They are called ultraviolet rays, and they are what changes the appearance of the skin, like wrinkles and even cancer. I discovered a blanket of gases known as the atmosphere surrounding our planet. It is what provides us with the air we breathe, and it protects us from the full blast of the sun’s radiation. Way up there in the part of the atmosphere called the stratosphere, a layer of gas called ozone, filters out most of the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays. This happens about five miles to 25 miles above the surface of Earth (Bright 14-15). Only about one- millionth of our atmosphere is made up of ozone. But it has an important job. Ozone can absorb the part of the sunlight called ultraviolet radiation. Some ultraviolet radiation still gets through, but not enough to do serious damage to Earth. Because if it got through, life as we know it would be impossible. But there is a serious problem in the ozone layer. Each year, a large hole appears in it. It isn’t an actual hole, like a hole in a pocket, but a layer getting thinner as it shows up on the satellite pictures. The â€Å"hole†is right over Antarctica, covering an area about the size of the United Stat... Free Essays on Greenhouse Effect The greenhouse effect occurs when gases such as methane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide and CFCs trap heat in the atmosphere by acting as a pane of glass in a car.  ³The glass ² lets the sun light in to make heat but when the heat tries to get out the gases absorb the heat. Holding this heat in causes heat waves, droughts and climate changes which could alter our way of living. The main gases that cause the greenhouse effect are water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane which comes mainly from animal manure. Other gases like nitrogen oxide and man made gases called chloroflurocarbons get caught in the atmosphere as well. The decay of animals and respiration are two main but natural sources of carbon dioxide. In my opinion we people of the whole world should try and slow down the emmission of greenhouse gases and/or find ways to balance the gases so the climate doesn't change so rapidly. If it did we would be forced to adapt to the new climate that we brought upon our selves. If we had a international cooperation to put a damper on the production of chloroflurocarbons and slowed down the use of fossil fuels it would dramatically slow down the process of "global warming." Over the last 100 years the global temperatures have been increasing slowly but steadily. Since 1980 the temperature has risen 0.2 degrees C (0.4 degrees F ) each decade. Scientists predict that if we continue putting the same amount of gas into the atmosphere by the year 2030 the temperature will be rising as much as 0.5 degrees C (0.9 degrees F ) or more per decade. Over all the global temperature could rise anywhere from 5 to 9 degrees over the next fifty years. If the temperatures do rise as predicted several things could happen. The increases of temperature could alter the growth of crops in areas near the equator due to insufficient rain and heat. This could really hurt countries that rely on imported food. With the high temperatures the polar ice caps could m... Free Essays on Greenhouse Effect The earth’s climate is predicted to change because human activities are altering the chemical composition of the atmosphere through the build up of greenhouse gases – primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. Energy from the sun drives the earth’s weather and climate, and heats the earth’s surface. This causes the earth to radiate the energy back into space. Atmospheric greenhouse gases (water vapor carbon dioxide, and other gases) trap some of the outgoing energy, retaining heat similar to the glass panels of a greenhouse. Without this natural â€Å"greenhouse effect,†temperatures would be much lower than they are now, and life as known today would not be possible. Instead, thanks to greenhouse gases, the earth’s average temperature is a more hospitable 24 C. However, problems may arise when the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases increases. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide have increased nearly 30%. Methane concentrations have more than doubled, and nitrous oxide concentrations have risen by about 15%. Due to the concentrations increasing the heat-trapping capability of the earth’s atmosphere is enhanced. Greenhouse gas concentrations are increasing. Scientists generally believe that the combustion of fossil fuels and other human activities are the primary reason for the increased concentration of carbon dioxide. Plant respiration and the decomposition of organic matter release more than 10 times the CO released by human activities; but these releases have always been in balance with the carbon dioxide absorbed by plant photosynthesis. What has changed in the last few hundred years is the additional release of carbon dioxide by human activities. Energy burned to run cars and trucks, heat homes and businesses are responsible for about 80% of society's carbon dioxide emissions and about 20% of global nitrous oxide ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Active role of the audience in watching Big Brother Australia Essay
Active role of the audience in watching Big Brother Australia - Essay Example Big Brother seems to be a global phenomenon as each locality outdoes the other, including its origin country Netherlands. Popular as it already is, networks are alleged to hype up matters to feed escalating rates and viewer statistics. In the Week ten episode of Big Brother, on July 1, a sexual misconduct, considered as a â€Å"taboo†or a violation of â€Å"house rules†was alleged to have happened. Male participants John and Ashley grabbed Camilla at around 4 in the morning, took her to a bed, with Ashley reportedly slapped her face while John held her down. The two were removed from the house with an escort. As active audience, mostly teenagers wondering what happened, the official website of Big Brother Australia was flooded with inquiries that it had to be pulled out. Another website, Behind Big Brother Australia, later claimed it was due to sexual harassment. The incident infuriated not only fans which basically form the active audience but also bystanders such as politicians.For me, as I do not favour sexual liberalism, I agree with the politicians that called out for the banning of the show. It is not that I am totally against it, but I am against the way the show is carried out with sexual innuendoes from start to finish. here is so much trouble already about sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS, not to mention emotional battery one person undergoes when jilted, or abandoned by a lover, or partner, and to indulge in such circumstances is like playing with fire as can be equated to Big Brother show.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Control in Training Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Control in Training - Essay Example It is possible to distinguish three types of control: (1) routine control (from lecture to lecture), (2) monitoring (during the course) and (3) control of the skills acquired at the end of the course. It is possible to control the level of skills and personal development, compare skills of employees with certain standards or skills development of other employees (Truelove, 1995). During the training course, it is essential to provide continuing direct attention to learning process and skills of the trainees. In the sense that the supervisor will be attempting to sustain the performance of these employees, the intent will be task-related. However, the actions will be largely employee-oriented in nature and manner; the supervisor will be encouraging, reinforcing, patient, willing to listen. At this stage, the task of the manager is to support trainees and correct their actions if necessary. The instilling of standards and confidence (accompanying the skill development) during training is important for both the organization and employees. The role of the trainers is to develop certain skills and knowledge according to standards and new requirements. Employees with high self-esteem and high need for achievement, for example, appear to need feedback that gives information related to competency and control over the task.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Analyze the Keystone XL pipeline project(what are the main facts of Essay
Analyze the Keystone XL pipeline project(what are the main facts of the story, key issues, theoretical relationships, alternatives, cost and benefits.) - Essay Example It was mainly to ensure that the project implementation would be in the best interest of the nation. In 2012, the Department of State denied TransCanada a permit to begin the project. It stated that a span of sixty days was not sufficient to collect the information on the benefits of the project to the nation. Subsequently, the company collaborated with Nebraska department of environment quality and conducted an impact assessment. It was done to determine the best location the pipeline would pass with minimal environmental impacts. In May 2012, TransCanada made an application for the presidential permit. The US department of state was obligated to either accept or deny the company the permit taking into consideration whether the project is beneficial to the people. Many factors were being considered such as security, culture, foreign policy and environmental impacts (Yuan, 2011). In 2014, the Department of State invited members of the public to comment on the factors that would be considered of national interest. Moreover, it is also consulting with different agencies such as department of Justice, Defense, Commerce and Energy to ensure that the correct decision is made on the permit application. TransCanada is facing much opposition from community-based groups and the environmental organizations. It is mainly because of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the usage of oil sands crude. Furthermore, this will lead to the prolonged dependence on fossil fuel by the United States. Emissions of greenhouse gases accelerate the effects of global warming as it results to the destruction of the ozone layer. Community groups are strongly opposing the project because it is being constructed on their lands thus affecting their ability to produce food through farming. Furthermore, there will be no land to graze their cattle. Keystone XL pipeline project poses a high risk to the neighboring community because the potential of spillage is huge. Eighty-eight
Saturday, November 16, 2019
A Study On Mass Media Social Norms Media Essay
A Study On Mass Media Social Norms Media Essay Chauhan (2001) in his book television and social transformation has empirically studied the impact of television on college students with regard to their social life, political attitudes, educational performance and their reactions to the advertisement and entertainment programmes. The study suggested that the majority of the respondents admitted that changes have come in their sleeping timings, study timings and also the visiting and the entertaining the guests. Some political serials and programmes have promoted the feelings of patriotism, the political talk-shows was able to establish rapport with the masses as it was admitted by the respondents. Majority of the respondents liked viewing advertisements. Regarding the projection of women on television screen the students did not like the way in which the women are shown on the screen. Moreover, they had no objection regarding the projection of children on T.V. screen. Most of the students admitted improvement in their examination r esults. Finally the respondents suggested allotting more time to entertainment programme as compared to other programmes.39 Shanahan and Morgan (1992) conducted a comparative case study of how adolescents use T.V. and how this relates to interactions with their families in five countries, namely Argentina, Taiwan, Korea, China and USA. In the following study the issues addressed including television exposure, family conflict over television and the relationship of T.V. viewing to family communication. The study indicates a strong positive association between the parents in Argentina, Taiwan and USA. Most of the adolescents watch television with their parents and feel closer and more satisfied the amount of time spends together. 40 Kuo-Yi Wu (1990) studies the role and contribution of television in shaping of social perception such as sex roles, crime and violence, inter-personal relationships and ageing in Taiwan. In terms of perception of sex roles, contribution of television viewing is distinctly contingent upon the background and other social conditions. A more liberal stance is related to heavy viewers both Chinese or American programmes among females and those with high parental education. They generally prefer the foreign programme to the indigenous programmes. A consistent and significant relationship is found between weekday viewing and a more mistrustful world view. 41 Kang (1989) studies the measures of the pervasiveness of the cultural outlook in Korean T.V. programming. The study focused on Korean students perception about traditional and western values in terms of sex roles, the family system, violence and social deviance. He conducted his study on 1169 Junior High School students in Seoul, Korea. Although the finding are not statistically enormous, they seem to indicate that heavy Korean T.V. viewing is weakly related to traditional sex roles, the liberal attitudes towards dating and marriage and to a distorted social reality on violence and social dominance.42 Kang (1989) in his study indicate that Korean students who watch more AFKN (American Forces Korean Network) are more likely to take more liberal position on the sex role attitudes. He apprehended that compared to male, females are predisposed to think and behave in certain non-traditional ways such as wearing jeans and willingness to discount Confucianism. The females also felt that they would share dating expanses. 43 Ware and Michael (1994) analysed 17 quantitative studies from 16 publications using the Meta analysis approach. A significant positive association between exposure to entertainment programmes and the dependent variables suggest that programmes imported from U.S have a small but statistically significant impact on the foreign audience. The study revealed that exposure to U.S. entertainment programmes is more likely to increase preference for American products and influence attitudes toward America. The study also says that exposure to U.S. Television programming alone will not automatically generate an adoption of U.S. values. This impact is influenced by both study characteristics and types of dependent measure.44 Sharriffadin (1995) in his study looks at some of the major economic, cultural and social issues faced by the developing countries arising from the new technology. Author concludes in his study that the new communication era should not be perceived on purely technological phenomenon. It ultimate impact on social and cultural, although technological advancement is the key factor. This new era invites a change in social and cultural patterns.45 Goonasekera (1995) conducted a study on 263 viewers of two metropolitan cities revealed that most popular channels were DD, Star Plus, BBC, Zee and sun TV. Overall opinion towards foreign programme was positive. The elements not liked in foreign programmes are sex, vulgarity, violence and crime. But the overall opinion of the viewers was firmly against foreign television programmes. 46 Kya Bobo and Husten (2000) reveals key finding from the large body of literature on socio-cultural mechanisms that encourage tobacco and alcohol use among adolescents and adults. Authors state that these mechanisms exert similar effects on both alcohol and tobacco use behaviours. Socio-cultural factors that encourage smokers to drink and drinkers to smoke have not received extensive study, but they may account for some of the substantial variations in adult tobacco use rates seen among different levels of alcohol consumption. The authors explains the recent wreaking of association between drinking and smoking that is consistent with changes in societal attitudes toward tobacco and standards of care in alcoholism treatment facilities, the connection may continue to be quite strange among some population.47 Menon and Vohra (2001) conducted a study on the sample consisted of 70 urban middle class (annual income between 4-10 lakh rupees) students in the age range of 18-23 years from colleges in New Delhi affiliated to Delhi University. The upper middle class sample was chosen for their access to television and satellite channels. University students were selected as it was felt that this segment had the independence to watch what they want, and when they want as unlike school children, their free time is not rigidly regulated by the school curricula or parental rules regarding what to watch. Finding indicates the significant gender difference was noticed in the viewership of the sports channel, music channels, English serials, Hindi serials and the family portrayal in the serial they would create (i.e. portraying new trends, nuclear family or a joint family). Further, educational differences between the postgraduate and undergraduate sample were evident in the statistically significant di fferences in the viewership of Hindi serials and family portrayal in the self-creation section. These results indicate that the hypothesis suggesting that females would favour soap operas while the male sample would favour sports and information programmes.48 Verma and Larson (2002) conducted a study to understand the effects of T.V. on youth. A sample of 100 urban middle class Indian families selected for research. The author found in his study on an average adolescents viewing T.V. about 12 hours per week, 90% of this viewing occurred at home, 73% done with other family members, including 7% with grandparents, uncle or aunts. The study indicates that T.V. viewing for these youth is typically a family activity. The finding indicates that the T.V. viewing is typically a relaxed antidote to the stresses of the day that they share with their families.49 Zia Anjum (2004) conducted a study on Cable Television Watching Habits of the Youth in Pakistan. This study was aimed at to collect precise data to analyze the opinion preferences and requirements of the youth in Lahore regarding their cable T.V. watching habits. For this purpose, students of both genders of different colleges and Universities have been contacted so that people belongs to all section of the society can be reached. A sample of 300 respondents in totality selected the result show that young people only acquire entertainment from the cable T.V. They wish to have access to only those selected channels that do not promote immorality and untraditional indecency.50 further, indicates in her study that a large majority (85%) of the college and university students have their own access to cable T.V. A vast majority of the youngsters (62%) spend 3-4 hours daily to watch cable television programmes. The largest portion of the sample under study (39%) only watches cable T.V. for the sake of entertainment, second major reason for which youngster prefer to watch cable T.V. is for Leisure (18%). Majority of youngsters are interested in watching foreign channels instead of Pakistani channels on the cable T.V. 51 ibid Hemamalini et.al (2010) states that though violent images are portrayal in chutti T.V is no relationship between these images and children violent behaviour. Comparing to the television news channels and other adult focussed other channels mostly in native channels the T.V. so not have any moorings towards Indian culture since they are foreign productions. It is stated by authors that it is very difficult to dissociate violent images from the surroundings violence in which the children are captive. Authors state that the programmes that adults watch from in which the children are not spared are more violent images that Chutti T.V. For some children aggression is an expression that gives vent to their emotions. Authors state that children could be aggressive if he or she is hyperactive. This requires a need to channelize the aggression depicted in T.V. images so that it is expressed in a society acceptable manner. Authors explain that children should be discouraged to watch T.V. one h our before they go to bed. 52 Daud et. al (2011) in his study state that television advertisements in general and those involving some celebrities have immense and long lasting impact on youths lifestyle, religious values, family bonding and their decision making for buying various items. Authors state that some of the effects are really damaging for our society which are generally based on combined family system, established religions and cultural value and where majority of people cannot afford to purchase the products, which have severe temptation for youth in the race of show power. 53 Ahluwalia and Singh (2011) revealed in his study that T.V. competes with family, school, society and religious institutions to provide role models and information that affect childrens beliefs, values, behaviour, attitude and lifestyle. This study was conducted to make note of T.V. viewing patterns amongst children from middle and upper middle socio-economic strata of the urban society. A sample of 400 children of 8 to 16 years of age, across the region of Punjab was selected. Both the authors found in his study that on an average children watch 2 hours or less T.V. daily and most of them indulge in bedtime T.V. viewing. They watched T.V. primarily for entertainment and for learning. Childrens most preferred programme was childrens show/serials followed by cartoon/animated programmes. 54 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK This study has analysed Socio-cultural Impact of Television on Youth. The main purpose of this study was to find out the impact/influence of television programmes/channels on the life patterns of youth. As a communication technology, television has a great acceptance and is being used extensively in India. Television viewership is no more restricted to the upper and upper-middle class of India as it used to be a few years back. Being inexpensive and easy to access, television spread rapidly in India. It has become one of the common household commodities. Therefore, this study attempted to understand whether demography influenced the viewership patterns of respondents or not. Television provides a variety of local and foreign channels and helps people in selecting programmes according to their taste and choice. Therefore, the first part of this study explored respondents preferred channels and kinds of programmes, reasons for watching television, preferred time of watching and control over the remote. It justified the application of Uses and Gratification Theory. This theory identifies television consumption patterns according to needs and satisfaction of targeted class. The gratification factor leads to the exposure of channels/programmes which in turn can generate impact/effects. Main part of the present research comes under the impact tradition. It demands discussion on theories based on observational learning and information processing emphasize lasting impact/effects of exposure to media contents. Thus, the study also applies Cultivation Theory in terms of impact through exposure (depending upon heavy and light viewership of television) and Social learning Theory which says that viewers attend and learn from models which are attractive, powerful, rewarding and similar to themselves. They do not act immediately on what they learn from television. Instead, they store such knowledge to be used when their own circumstances elicit it. Hence, the framework of this research is based on the set of three theories i.e. Uses and Gratification Theory, Cultivation Theory and Social Learning Theory. These theories are discussed below in relation with the present study in brief. 2.1Uses and Gratification Utility Theory, often known as the Uses and Gratification Approach offers another way of explaining why people expose themselves to some communications and not others (the preferred channels/programmes); why they perceive a fraction of these to which they are exposed and why they remember- correctly or incorrectly. Blumler and Katzs Uses and Gratification Theory suggest that media users play an active role in choosing and using media. Users take an active part in the communication process and are goal oriented in their media usage. Theorists say that media users seek out source that best fulfils their needs. Uses and Gratification Theory assumes that users have alternate choices to satisfy their needs (Griffin. 2000).55 Focus of this theory is that viewers attend perceive and remember information that is pleasurable or that will in some way help satisfy their needs. Therefore, this research probed into which television channels/programmes are preferred by the targeted audience and which of their needs are satisfied by viewing them. Uses and Gratification Theory takes a more humanistic approach to looking at the media usage. Blumler and Katz believe that there is not merely one way that the populace uses media. Instead, they believe there are as many reasons for using media as there are media users. According to the theory, media consumers have a free will to decide how they will use the media and how it will affect them. Blumler and Katz believe that media consumers can choose the influence media has on them as well as the idea that users choose media alternatives merely as a mean. Uses and Gratification Theory is the optimists view of media. The theory takes out the possibility that media can have an unconscious influence on our lives and how we view the world. The idea that we simply use media to satisfy a given need does not seem to fully recognize the power of media in todays society. (West, R. and Turner, I..H. 2000: 332).56 2.2 Cultivation Theory (Cultivation theory-sometimes referred to as the cultivation hypothesis or cultivation analysis-was an approach developed by Professor George Grebner, dean of the Annenberg School of Communication at the University of Pennysylvania. He began the Cultural Indicators research project in the mid-1960s, to study whether and how watching television may influence viewers ideas of what the everyday world is like.) 57 Cultivation Theory in its most basic form, suggests that television is responsible for shaping or cultivating viewers conceptions of social reality. The combined effect of massive television exposure by viewers over time subtly shapes the perception of social reality for individuals and, ultimately for our culture as a whole. Thus, cultivation research is in the effects traditions. Cultivation research looks at the mass media as a socialising agent and investigates whether television viewers come to believe the television version of reality the more they watch it. Gerbner and his colleagues argue that television drama has a small but significant influence on the attitudes, beliefs and judgement of viewers concerning the social world. The focus is on heavy viewers. People who watch a lot of television are likely to be more influenced by the ways in which the world is framed by television programmes than are individuals who watch less, especially regarding topics of which the viewer has little first-hand experience. Light viewers may have more sources of information than heavy viewers. 58 This study has used Cultivation Theory by George Gerbner as a guide in exploring the consequences/effects. Under guidance of this theory, this study may be able to emerge as a new theory. Essentially, the theory states that heavy exposure to mass media namely television creates and cultivates attitudes more consistent with a media conjured version of reality than with what actual reality is. The cultivation theory asserts that heavy viewers attitudes are cultivated primarily by what they watch on television. Gerbner views this television world as not a window on or reflection of the world, but a world in itself (Mc Quail. 1993: 100).59 Cultivation theorists argue that television has long term effects which are small, gradual, indirect but cumulative and significant. They emphasize the effects of television viewing on attitude rather than the behaviour of viewers. Heavy viewing of television is seen as cultivating attitudes which are more consistent with the world of television programmes than with the everyday world. Cultivation theorists are best known for their study of television and viewers and in particular, for a focus on the topic of violence. However, some studies have also considered other mass media from this perspective and have dealt with topics such as gender roles, age groups, ethnic groups and political attitudes. Cultivation theorists argue that heavy viewing leads viewers (even among high educational/high income groups) to have more homogeneous or convergent opinions then light viewers (who tend to have more heterogeneous or divergent opinion). The cultivation effect of television viewing is one of the levelling or homogenizing opinion. Gross considered that television is a cultural arm of the established industrial order and as such serves primarily to maintain, stabilize and reinforce rather than to alter, threaten or weaken conventional beliefs and behaviours (Boyd. Barrett. Braham. And Peter, B. 1987: 100).60 Cultivation theorists are well known for their study of television and viewers and in particular for a focus on the topic of violence. However, some studies have also considered other mass media from this perspective and have dealt with topics such as gender roles, age groups, ethnic groups and political attitudes. A study of American college students found that heavy soap opera viewers were more likely than light viewers to overestimate the number of real life married people who had affairs or who had been divorced and the number of women who had abortions (Wimmer and Dominick. 1993: 512).61 Gerbner reported evidence for resonance a double dose effect which may boost cultivation. This is held to occur when viewers everyday life experiences are congruent with those depicted in the television world. For instance, since on television women are most likely to be victims of crime, women heavy viewers are influenced by the usual heavy viewer mainstreaming effect but are also led to feel especially fearful for themselves as women. The cultivation effect is also argued to be strongest when viewers neighbourhood is similar to that shown on television. Crime on television is largely urban. So urban heavy viewers are subject to a double dose and cultivation theorists argue that violent content resonates more for them. The strongest effects of heavy viewing on attitudes to violence are likely to be amongst those in the high crime areas of cities (Gerbner. 1993).62 2.3 Social Learning Theory The principle understanding of social learning theory is tied the social context of learning. Bandura has emphasized the fact that people who observe responses of individuals tend to exhibit the same when placed in similar settings. According to Bandura, behaviours and responses that are repeated, perceived as real, distinct, functional and salient are more likely to be attended to, thus more likely to be learned. When observing an event, which receives some kind of reward like social approval, pleasant experience and when the observer feels confident to perform, its symbolic imitation is facilitated. The social cognitive principle has been widely employed to explain in television effects on a variety of social issues such as aggression, ethnic stereotypes, alcohol, attitudes and behaviour. It also stresses the importance of viewers cognitive activities when consuming television messages (Bandura. 1977). 63 Any person socialization process is influenced by innumerable factors such as family, school, environment factors etc. Direct experience and participation are important parameters which shape the youths impressions of the perceived structure of their environment. Mass media, particularly television plays a crucial role in bringing the outside world into homes. As an important institution, mass media enters the socialization process of an individual. The Social Learning Theory explains how environment influences the behaviour of an individual. DeFleur and Sandra (1989) stated despite general in nature, social learning theory is particularly relevant to study the impact of mass communication because the description and portrayal of social life is a frequent subject in media contents. The most common (and pervasive) examples of social learning situations are television commercials. Commercials suggest that drinking a certain beverage or using a particular shampoo will make us popular and win the admiration of attractive people. Depending upon the component processes involved (such as attention or motivation), users may model the behaviour shown in the commercial and buy the product being advertised. Actions of characters in the audio-visual media can serve as a model for others to imitate. Modelling Theory is also useful for describing the application of general Social Learning Theory which explain how new behaviours are acquired b y people from media portrayals. An individual observes a character, identifies him/her as a model and remembers actions of model and performs them when confronted with similar circumstances (DeFleur and Sandra. 1989).64 In light of all these theories stated above, it is important to mention that the researcher has formulated a combination of the three theories in order to assess what is the main reason of their watching, their preferred channels and programmes (Uses and Gratification Theory). While on the other hand, it has also measured what kind of effects are taking place in the lives of the sample under study? If there are some affects that are changing attitudes of youth under the study. Are these effects long-lasting or short term (Cultivation Analysis and Social Learning Theory). Hence, the researcher intended to explore all this for which the base of above mentioned theories was most suitable and required. Based on the Social Learning, Cultivation and Uses and Gratification theories, the present study hypothesized that characters and their behaviour in programmes of television channels serve as a model for heavy viewers. They may acquire certain characteristics which in turn influence their attitudes. It was also assumed that the youth (aged18-25 years) are vulnerable to influences and tend to be inclined towards change. Youth would serve as a barometer to assess the influence of television. Hence, youth of age 18-25 were selected for the study to determine the degree to which their attitudes were influenced by television. Now, with the availability of the foreign channels, an important question arises: does a youths behaviour reflect what his/her has watched on the television screen? The impact of foreign television programmes on youth involves a number of indispensible factors such as interest in the programmes, viewing pattern, reasons for watching, attitude towards programmes and models of social reality that these programmes promote. The study aimed at finding out whether and to what extent television affect youth in Rohtak and Jhajjar districts. The researcher aimed at finding answers to questions such as what youth think about these programmes in terms of their preferences and relevance. Is there any restriction on youth for watching television channels? Whether they experience an impact of these programmes on their attitudes or not? End Notes Kennedy Shannon. 1997. Television and Society, Journal of Asia Pacific Communications, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 199-204. Gary A. Steiner, The People Look at Television: A Study of Audience Attitudes. New York Alfred. A Knopf 1963. pp. 4-5. 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