Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The s Message Of Hope And Salvation - 1225 Words

Many social issues leave cause for concern, however, the church’s message of hope and salvation in Jesus should not be lost amid the immoral social issues and behaviors in the world today. Social problems like racism, unemployment, starvation, and crime are not new phenomenon. They did not just start in the year 2016. This paper will address two questions that are prevalent in today’s culture. The first is, â€Å"What are the short-comings of official criminal statistics?† The second is also quite impactful, â€Å"Why do minorities who are disproportionately unemployed serve the interests of the business owners, according to conflict theorists?† Answers for these two inquiries were found in the textbook for this course, â€Å"Understanding Social†¦show more content†¦The textbook also advised that there are attempts made with surveys (victimization and self-report offender) to acquire data to assist in measuring crime statistics. However, there is one major hurdle in this method. Researchers must locate their victims, ask the proper questions, and then formulate the answers in a way that gives genuine answers. Most matters involving human elements are prone to error. The results formulated from statistical data are only as accurate as the data they are taken from. Hence a colossal problem with official criminal statistics, that is the reporting of crimes committed. Per the textbook, many instances of crime go unreported, and even if an unlawful act is reported, the police may not record it (102). The number and extent of unknown offenses will forever be a subject of speculation. Clearly, nobody will ever know exactly the number of criminal offenses that are perpetrated, but valid attempts at measuring these numbers should continue, thus keeping this topic top of mind. Another component in the area of short-comings is one of exaggeration. A great example was provided by the authors in that a police department may â€Å"crack-down† on crime in an election year. The end result is an increase in the number of recorded offenses for that year. The increase better reflects the change in the behavior of law enforcement personnel, not a change in the number of criminal violators. They conclude this topic with a

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